SnapPay OpenAPI
API Rules ¶
1. Protocol Rules
While integrating with the SnapPay Open Service Gateway, please follow the following API rules.
Rule | Explanation |
Transfer Mode | To secure the transactions, HTTPS is used for the production environment. |
Submit Mode | Use POST method |
Data Format | Except for some File Upload and Download APIs, the Requests and Responses are in JSON format. |
Char Encoding | Use UTF-8 Character encoding. |
Signature Algorithm | MD5 or RSA. |
Signature Requirement | Requests, Responses, and the Asynchronous Notification all require signatures. For detail sign method, please refer to Security Specifications. |
Logic Judgment | Determine protocol (HTTP status) response, service field, and transaction status. |
Language Support | en-US,zh-CN. |
2. Access Nodes
Environment | Access Nodes |
SnapPay Production Environment | |
3. Parameters For Test Merchant Account
Test merchant account in the Production Environment
Merchant ID: 901800000116
Store No.: 80519419
AppID: 9f00cd9a873c511e
Signature Sign Key: 7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43 (MD5)
4. Merchant Production Parameters
To get the integration parameters for your real merchant account, refer here.
5. Parameter Specification
M - Mandatory
C - Mandatory for certain conditions
O - Optional
Parameter Types
KEY | Name | Example | Notes |
NUMBER | Numbers | 123 | |
AMOUNT | Amount | 88.05 | The value here is based on the settlement currency. Eg. if USD is the settlement currency, the value here is for USD amount. |
TEXT | Text | This is a string. | |
DATE | Time | 2018-08-02 15:16:51 | (UTC-0)Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss |
BOOLEAN | Boolean | true | true OR false |
JSONObject | JSON | {“key”:“value”} | |
JSONArray | JSON array | [1,2,3,4,5] |
6. Requests - Common Parameters
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
app_id | Application ID | TEXT(32) | M | Provided by SnapPay Open Service Gateway. Please contact SnapPay support to get this. |
format | Request data format | TEXT(4) | M | Only JSON |
charset | Encoding for requests | TEXT(8) | M | Only UTF-8 |
sign_type | Sign type | TEXT(8) | M | MD5 or RSA |
sign | Signature | TEXT(32) | M | API Signature to authenticate merchant, prevent alteration. Refer to Security Specifications. |
version | Version | TEXT(8) | M | Only 1.0 for now |
7. Response - Common Parameters
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
code | Status code | TEXT(32) | M | Status code. 0 means success. Others mean failed. |
msg | Error Message | TEXT(128) | M | When there is an error, this is the error message. |
sign | Signature | TEXT(32) | M | API signature to authenticate merchants, prevent alteration. Refer to Security Specifications. When app_id and sign_type are invalid, no signature will be returned. |
total | Total data returned | NUMBER | M | Total numbers meeting certain conditions. It is effective when data is paginated. |
data | Response data | JSONArray | M | The array includes 1 or more JSON objects. |
psn | API serial number | TEXT(32) | M | API serial number for error checkups. |
Security Specifications ¶
1. Select Sign algorithms
The sign algorithm can support RSA (SHA256), MD5.
When using RSA to sign, Public Key and Private Key are used together for signing. The Private key and the public key are both generated from OPENSSL (Note the key length is 2048). Merchants exchange the public key with the public key from the SnapPay Open Service gateway. Therefore, when signing, the merchant will use its own private key and the public key from the Open Service gateway.
When using MD5 to sign, MD5 Sign Key is used for signing. The Sign Key is composed of 32 alpha numeric digits. This key is distributed by SnapPay. Make sure the Sign key is not disclosed.
2. Generate the String used for signing
Step 1: Establish the parameters to be signed.
Sign all the API request parameters and responses from the Open Service Gateway and the Asynchronous Notification parameters, except for the sign_type, sign and byte[] type parameters and NULL or empty string parameters.
The sign applies for both Common Request/Response fields and Service Request/Response parameters.
Note: Based on the HTTP protocol requests, if there are special chars (such as &, @ etc) in the transmission parameters, URL encoding is needed so that the recipient can receive the correct parameters. In this case, the data to be signed should be the original values, not the values after encoding. For example, if some API requires signature for the email field, the sign data should be
, but not
For example, for the following parameters:
String[] parameters = {
The parameters that need to be signed after post processing are: (based on the specs, sign_type and trans_no don’t need to be signed)
String[] parameters = {
Step 2: Reorder the parameters
Reorder the parameters based on the ASCII values. Rank them from a to z. If the first char is the same, check the second char, and so on. After reordering the parameters, the look like below:
String[] parameters = {
Step 3: Merge the parameters
Merge all the chars using “&”. Based on the above example, the final string looks like below:
3. Signature
MD5 Signature
- Generate the signature for the REQUESTs
After having the string to be signed, add the Sign Key to the end of the string to form a new string.
Use the MD5 algorithm to generate the signature and convert the string to all lower case characters. The final sign result is a 32 digit string. This sign result will be the ‘sign’ field in the request.
- Signature Verification for Asynchronous Notification or API Responses
After having the string to be signed in the Asynchronous Notification or API Responses, merge the Sign Key to the end of the string to form a new string. Use MD5 algorithm to generate the signature which is a 32 digit string. Verify if this Sign value is the same as the Sign value in the Asynchronous Notification or API Response. If it is the same, signature verification passes.
RSA Signature
- Generate the signature for the REQUESTs
After having the string to be signed, put both the String to be signed and the merchant private key to the RSA sign algorithm to calculate the signature (SHA256 with Base 64 encoding) result.
- Signature Verification for Asynchronous Notification or API Responses
After having the String to be signed from the Asynchronous notification or the API Response, put 1, the String to be signed, 2, Public Key, 3, Sign value from the notification or the response into the RSA signature algorithm to do the asymmetric calculation (SHA256 with 64 encoding). For detailed sign methods, please refer to the SDK Sign and Verify methods. For RSA key generation and signature verification, please refer to the tool provided by Alipay.
Pay APIs ¶
Barcode Pay API ¶
Content-Type: application/json
"app_id": "6bf9403d0c97bd24",
"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43",
"version": "1.0",
"method": "pay.barcodepay",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"payment_method": "WECHATPAY",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"auth_code": "131234567677911364",
"description": "this is a test transaction",
"notify_url": "https://notify-url",
"attach": "{\"orderId\": \"12345\"}\"",
"extension_parameters": "{\"store_no\": \"80000026\"}"
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"sign": "u897whekrh38h2h8363udg46hh8745hd",
"total": 1,
"psn": "11109748736492756478",
"data": [
"trans_no": "TRANS12345",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"trans_status": "SUCCESS",
"payment_method": "ALIPAY",
"pay_operation_method": 4,
"pay_user_account_id": "2088101117955611",
"pay_user_account_name": "15900000000",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"exchange_rate": 5.21,
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"c_trans_fee": 0.5,
"customer_paid_amount": 524.09,
"discount_bmopc": 0.1,
"discount_bpc": 0.1,
"trans_end_time": "2018-08-02 15:16:55"
Content-Type: application/json
"app_id": "6bf9403d0c97bd24",
"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43",
"version": "1.0",
"method": "pay.barcodepay",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"payment_method": "ALIPAY",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"auth_code": "281234567885302264",
"description": "this is a test transaction",
"notify_url": "https://notify-url",
"attach": "{\"orderId\": \"12345\"}",
"extension_parameters": "{\"store_no\": \"80000026\"}\""
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"sign": "u897whekrh38h2h8363udg46hh8745hd",
"total": 1,
"psn": "11109748736492756478",
"data": [
"trans_no": "TRANS12345",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"trans_status": "SUCCESS",
"payment_method": "ALIPAY",
"pay_operation_method": 4,
"pay_user_account_id": "2088101117955611",
"pay_user_account_name": "15900000000",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"exchange_rate": 5.21,
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"c_trans_fee": 0.5,
"customer_paid_amount": 524.09,
"discount_bmopc": 0.1,
"discount_bpc": 0.1,
"trans_end_time": "2018-08-02 15:16:55"
Content-Type: application/json
"app_id": "6bf9403d0c97bd24",
"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43",
"version": "1.0",
"method": "pay.barcodepay",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"payment_method": "SNAPLII",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"auth_code": "883952729347314041",
"description": "this is a test transaction",
"notify_url": "https://notify-url",
"attach": "{\"orderId\": \"12345\"}",
"extension_parameters": "{\"store_no\": \"80000026\"}\""
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"sign": "u897whekrh38h2h8363udg46hh8745hd",
"total": 1,
"psn": "11109748736492756478",
"data": [
"trans_no": "TRANS12345",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"trans_status": "SUCCESS",
"payment_method": "ALIPAY",
"pay_operation_method": 4,
"pay_user_account_id": "2088101117955611",
"pay_user_account_name": "15900000000",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"exchange_rate": 5.21,
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"c_trans_fee": 0.5,
"customer_paid_amount": 524.09,
"discount_bmopc": 0.1,
"discount_bpc": 0.1,
"trans_end_time": "2018-08-02 15:16:55"
Barcode Pay APIPOST
Cashier uses the scanning equipment to read the “Payment Barcode” from the user’s WeChat, Alipay, UnionPay, or Snaplii App, the cashier system sends the payment request to SnapPay’s Open Service Gateway by using this API.
Note 1: If the Error Code is 0, it means the Payment Request is successful but NOT the transaction is successful. Once the payment request is submitted, SnapPay’s Open Service Gateway will return the payment result. If the request expires, the merchant server waits for 5 seconds and calls Query Order API to query the payment result. If the transaction status is returned as “USERPAYING”, the merchant server can wait (5 seconds for example) before re-querying the payment result until payment success or expires (recommends 30 seconds).
Note 2: Call Revoke Order API if it returns an uncertain trade status when calling Query Order API. After revoking, the successful order will be refunded, while failed order will be closed. If Revocation has no response or returns error, call it again.
Note 3: NOT call Revoke Order API immediately after the order is created. It is recommended to wait for 15s.
Request Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Request - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
method | Request Method | TEXT(128) | M | Fixed as: pay.barcodepay |
merchant_no | Merchant No. | TEXT(32) | M | Merchant ID. It is generated by SnapPay. It is used to identify the merchant. |
payment_method | Payment Method | TEXT(16) | O | Currently Supports: ALIPAY WECHATPAY UNIONPAY_QR SNAPLII SnapPay will override this parameter by checking the auth_code format. This means, SnapPay is able to tell if the barcode scanned is from WeChat, Alipay, UnionPay, or Snaplii by analyzing the numbers given by the scanner. Your POS system doesn’t have to send this field. |
out_order_no | Merchant Order No. | TEXT(64) | M | The Order No. can be treated as payment serial number, and for each merchant has to be unique. It can’t be duplicated, even the transaction is not success. |
trans_currency | Transaction Currency | TEXT(8) | O | 3 letter code from ISO 4217, such as CAD or USD. The transaction currency has to be the same as the settlement currency. Only CAD and USD are currently supported. If not filled, CAD is used as default. |
trans_amount | Order Amount | AMOUNT | M | Max: 100000000.00 |
auth_code | Auth Code | TEXT(256) | M | Auth code for Transaction QR payment. Example: Alipay-281234567885302264 WeChat-131234567677911364 Snaplii-883952729347314041 |
description | Order Description | TEXT(127) | M | Example: Ipad mini 16G white |
notify_url | Notify URL | TEXT(256) | O | This is the notify URL to receive Asynchronous Notification from SnapPay’s Open Service Gateway. |
attach | Merchant additional info | TEXT(127,JSON Format) | O | Additional data. This field is used to carry the merchant’s own customized order data and has to follow JSON format. It will be returned in the Query API and the Notification the same way as sent here. |
extension_parameters | Extension parameters | TEXT(JSON Format) | O | This is for extended parameters. The new parameters can be stored in this JSON. See Extension Parameters. |
Extension Parameters
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
store_no | Store Number assigned by SnapPay | TEXT(8) | O | Store Number is used to identify the store of a merchant. One merchant might have more than 1 stores. The number is given by SnapPay after the merchant account is created. We recommend you to provide the store number to pass Alipay’s risk control rules. Example: {“store_no”:“80000026”} |
terminal_no | Merchant defined terminal number | TEXT(32) | O | Merchant defined terminal/device number, can be lane number, etc. |
cashier_no | Merchant defined cashier number | TEXT(32) | O | Merchant defined cashier number, it could be used on different terminal number |
Response Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Response - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
When code=0, data[0] returns the following parameters:
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
trans_no | Transaction No. | TEXT(32) | M | Transaction No. from SnapPay’s Open Service Gateway. |
out_order_no | Merchant Order No. | TEXT(64) | M | Internal Order No. from the Merchant System. |
merchant_no | Merchant No. | TEXT(32) | M | Merchant ID. It is generated by SnapPay system. It is used to identify the merchant. |
trans_status | Transaction Status | TEXT(32) | M | Transaction Status USERPAYING - Transaction created, waiting for the customer to enter the password. Cashier’s POS system should wait for 5 seconds and then iteratively call the Query Order API to check the transaction status. The cashier’s POS system can query for 1 min - 2 min. CLOSE-Transaction Close, including revocation close, close due to non-payment after expiry time, close due to failure. SUCCESS-Transaction completed. |
When the trans_status is: SUCCESS - Transaction completed, data[0] returns the following parameters:
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
payment_method | Payment method | TEXT(16) | M | Currently Supports: ALIPAY WECHATPAY UNIONPAY_QR SNAPLII |
pay_operation_method | Payment operation method | NUMBER | M | 4: Transaction QR Code Payment 5: Barcode Payment 6: H5 Payment 8: APP Payment 9: PC Web Payment |
pay_user_account_id | Buyer User ID | TEXT(32) | M | User ID returned by Alipay, looks like 2088101117955611 Unique user ID from WeChat per Merchant appID, looks like: wx37150978513678 |
pay_user_account_name | User Account Name | TEXT(32) | O | 159****5620 or Note: returned for Alipay. Null for WeChat Pay. |
trans_currency | Transaction currency | TEXT(32) | M | 3 letter code from ISO 4217. such as CAD, USD |
exchange_rate | Exchange rate | TEXT(16) | M | Exchange rate between the transaction currency to RMB. |
trans_amount | Transaction amount | AMOUNT | M | Transaction Amount |
c_trans_fee | Customer pays transaction fee | AMOUNT | O | Transaction fee the customer needs to pay |
customer_paid_amount | Total Customer paid | AMOUNT | M | The actual amount being deducted from the user’s account. |
discount_bmopc | Discount offered by the Merchant through payment channels (alipay or wechat) | AMOUNT | O | This is the discounted amount offered by merchant through the promotion events (payment deduction, coupon, discount, single product discount etc) via the payment channels (WeChat, Alipay) |
discount_bpc | Discount offer by the payment channels (alipay or wechat) | AMOUNT | O | This is the discounted amount offered by Payment Channels through promotion events: such as Red envelope, random discount etc. |
trans_end_time | Transaction completion time | DATE | M |
Recommended merchant side implementation process
For POS systems who leverage scanners to conduct payment, we recommend to following this procedure.
For more details, refer here.
Transaction QR Code Pay API ¶
Content-Type: application/json
"app_id": "6bf9403d0c97bd24",
"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43",
"version": "1.0",
"method": "pay.qrcodepay",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"payment_method": "WECHATPAY",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"description": "this is a test transaction",
"notify_url": "https://notify-url",
"attach": "{\"orderId\": \"12345\"}\"",
"effective_minutes": 15,
"extension_parameters": "{\"store_no\": \"80000026\"}"
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"sign": "u897whekrh38h2h8363udg46hh8745hd",
"total": 1,
"psn": "11109748736492756478",
"data": [
"trans_no": "TRANS12345",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"trans_status": "USERPAYING",
"qrcode_url": "https://qrcode-url"
Content-Type: application/json
"app_id": "6bf9403d0c97bd24",
"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43",
"version": "1.0",
"method": "pay.qrcodepay",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"payment_method": "ALIPAY",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"description": "this is a test transaction",
"notify_url": "https://notify-url",
"attach": "{\"orderId\": \"12345\"}",
"effective_minutes": 15,
"extension_parameters": "{\"store_no\": \"80000026\"}"
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"sign": "u897whekrh38h2h8363udg46hh8745hd",
"total": 1,
"psn": "11109748736492756478",
"data": [
"trans_no": "TRANS12345",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"trans_status": "USERPAYING",
"qrcode_url": "https://qrcode-url"
Content-Type: application/json
"app_id": "6bf9403d0c97bd24",
"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43",
"version": "1.0",
"method": "pay.qrcodepay",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"payment_method": "UNIONPAY_QR",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"description": "this is a test transaction",
"notify_url": "https://notify-url",
"attach": "{\"orderId\": \"12345\"}",
"effective_minutes": 15,
"extension_parameters": "{\"store_no\": \"80000026\", \"qrcode_pic_size\", \"250,250\"}"
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"sign": "u897whekrh38h2h8363udg46hh8745hd",
"total": 1,
"psn": "11109748736492756478",
"data": [
"trans_no": "TRANS12345",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"trans_status": "USERPAYING",
"qrcode_url": "https://qrcode-url"
Transaction QR Code Pay APIPOST
Merchant Server calls this API to create a pre-pay transaction request in SnapPay’s Open Service Gateway. The gateway returns the QR code to display in the merchant portal.
Request Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Request - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
method | Request Method | TEXT(128) | M | Fixed as: pay.qrcodepay |
merchant_no | Merchant No. | TEXT(32) | M | Merchant ID. It is generated by SnapPay system. It is used to identify the merchant. |
payment_method | Payment Method | TEXT(16) | M | Currently supports: ALIPAY WECHATPAY UNIONPAY_QR |
out_order_no | Merchant Order No. | TEXT(64) | M | The Order No. can be treated as payment serial number, and for each merchant has to be unique. It can’t be duplicated, even the transaction is not success. |
trans_currency | Transaction Currency | TEXT(8) | O | 3 letter code from ISO 4217. such as CAD or USD. The transaction currency has to be the same as the settlement currency. Only CAD and USD are currently supported. If not filled, CAD is used as default. |
trans_amount | Order Amount | AMOUNT | M | Max: 100000000.00 |
description | Order Description | TEXT(127) | M | Example: Ipad mini 16G white |
notify_url | Notify URL | TEXT(256) | O | This is the notify URL to receive Asynchronous Notification from SnapPay’s Open Service Gateway. |
attach | Merchant additional info | TEXT(127,JSON Format) | O | Additional data. This field is used to carry the merchant’s own customized order data and has to follow JSON format. It will be returned in the Query API and the Notification the same way as sent here. |
effective_minutes | Order effective minutes | NUMBER | O | Use to set up the Order expiry time (in min). Payment will fail If it exceeds this number. The order will be closed. Default value: 5. The valid range is: 5min — 60min |
extension_parameters | Extension parameters | TEXT(JSON Format) | O | This is for extended parameters. The new parameters can be stored in this JSON. See Extension Parameters. |
Extension Parameters
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
store_no | Store Number assigned by SnapPay | TEXT(8) | O | Store Number is used to identify the store of a merchant. One merchant might have more than 1 stores. The number is given by SnapPay after the merchant account is created. We recommend you to provide the store number to pass Alipay’s risk control rules. Example: {“store_no”:“80000026”} |
terminal_no | Merchant defined terminal number | TEXT(32) | O | Merchant defined terminal/device number, can be lane number, etc. |
cashier_no | Merchant defined cashier number | TEXT(32) | O | Merchant defined cashier number, it could be used on different terminal number |
qrcode_pic_size | QR code size (only applicable when payment_method is UNIONPAY_QR) | TEXT(8) | O | Adjust the size of UnionPay QR code display. The value has to be in the format of “<width in pixel>,<height in pixel>”. Both numbers need to be within 200 and 400. Example: {“qrcode_pic_size”: “250,250”} |
Response Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Response - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
When code=0, data[0] returns the following parameters:
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
trans_no | Transaction No. | TEXT(32) | M | Transaction No. from SnapPay’s Open Service Gateway. |
out_order_no | Merchant Order No. | TEXT(64) | M | Internal Order No. from the Merchant System. |
merchant_no | Merchant No. | TEXT(32) | M | Merchant ID. It is generated by SnapPay system. It is used to identify the merchant. |
trans_status | Transaction Status | TEXT(32) | M | Transaction Status USERPAYING - Order created, waiting for the buyer to pay CLOSE - Order closed, including revocation close, close due to non-payment after expiry time, close due to failure |
qrcode_url | URL for the QR Code | TEXT(128) | M | This URL can be turned into the QR code for the merchant to display and for the user to scan. When the payment method is UNIONPAY_QR, this parameter is a QR code image encoded by BASE64 |
H5 Pay API ¶
Content-Type: application/json
"app_id": "6bf9403d0c97bd24",
"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43",
"version": "1.0",
"method": "pay.h5pay",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"payment_method": "WECHATPAY",
"pay_channel_trade_type": "MWEB",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"description": "this is a test transaction",
"notify_url": "https://notify-url",
"return_url": "https://return-url",
"attach": "{\"orderId\": \"12345\"}",
"effective_minutes": 15
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"sign": "u897whekrh38h2h8363udg46hh8745hd",
"total": 1,
"psn": "11109748736492756478",
"data": [
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"trans_status": "SUCCESS",
"h5pay_url: `https://h5pay_url`": "Hello, world!",
"alipay_trade_no": "201xxxxxxxxxxx3221"
Content-Type: application/json
"app_id": "6bf9403d0c97bd24",
"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43",
"version": "1.0",
"method": "pay.h5pay",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"payment_method": "ALIPAY",
"pay_channel_trade_type": "JSAPI",
"pay_user_account_id": "2088101106499364",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"description": "this is a test transaction",
"notify_url": "https://notify-url",
"return_url": "https://return-url",
"attach": "{\"orderId\": \"12345\"}",
"effective_minutes": 15
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"sign": "u897whekrh38h2h8363udg46hh8745hd",
"total": 1,
"psn": "11109748736492756478",
"data": [
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"trans_status": "SUCCESS",
"h5pay_url: `https://h5pay_url`": "Hello, world!",
"alipay_trade_no": "201xxxxxxxxxxx3221"
Merchant system calls this interface to create a PrePay order, redirects to SnapPay’s payment URL after receiving the correct PrePay transaction ID. When the H5 payment is done, it will redirect to the merchant’s web page.
Request Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Request - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
method | Request Method | TEXT(128) | M | Fixed as: pay.h5pay |
merchant_no | Merchant No. | TEXT(32) | M | Merchant ID. It is generated by SnapPay system. It is used to identify the merchant. |
payment_method | Payment Method | TEXT(16) | M | Currently supports: ALIPAY WECHATPAY |
pay_channel_trade_type | Payment channel trade type | TEXT(16) | O | MWEB: this is the default value, and the API will return payment URL. The merchant redirect to this URL to complete payment. ORDERSTR: Only support Alipay in Alipay App’s built-in browser. Open the e-commerce website in the built-in browser submits the obtained order_str directly to Alipay via AlipayJSBridge. WeChat does not support ORDERSTR. Reference: 2.2 No Alipay transaction number evokes payment (use method 2) link |
out_order_no | Merchant Order No. | TEXT(50) | M | The Order No. can be treated as payment serial number, and for each merchant has to be unique. It can’t be duplicated, even the transaction is not success. |
trans_currency | Transaction Currency | TEXT(8) | O | 3 letter code from ISO 4217. such as CAD, USD. The transaction currency has to be the same as the settlement currency. Only CAD and USD are currently supported. If not filled, CAD is used as default. |
trans_amount | Order Amount | AMOUNT | M | Max: 100000000.00 |
description | Order Description | TEXT(127) | M | Example: Ipad mini 16G white |
notify_url | Notify URL | TEXT(256) | O | This is the notify URL to receive Asynchronous Notification from SnapPay’s Open Service Gateway. |
return_url | Return URL | TEXT(1024) | O | This is the return URL the merchant page will direct to after payment is successful. |
attach | Merchant additional info | TEXT(127,JSON Format) | O | Additional data. This field is used to carry the merchant’s own customized order data and has to follow JSON format. It will be returned in the Query API and the Notification the same way as sent here. |
effective_minutes | Order effective minutes | NUMBER | O | Use to set up the Order expiry time (in min). Payment will fail If it exceeds this number. The order will be closed. Default value: 5. The valid range is: 5min — 60min |
extension_parameters | Extension parameters | TEXT(JSON Format) | O | This is for extended parameters. The new parameters can be stored in this JSON. |
Response Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Response - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
When code=0, data[0] returns the following parameters:
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
out_order_no | Merchant Order No. | TEXT(50) | M | Internal Order No. from the Merchant System. |
merchant_no | Merchant No. | TEXT(32) | M | Merchant ID. It is generated by SnapPay system. It is used to identify the merchant. |
trans_status | Transaction Status | TEXT(32) | M | Transaction Status USERPAYING - Transaction created, waiting to be paid. CLOSE - Transaction Close, including revocation close, close due to non-payment after expiry time, close due to failure SUCCESS - Transaction completed |
h5pay_url | H5 payment URL | TEXT(128) | C | The payment URL returned from SnapPay’s server. The merchant webpage will be directed to this address for payment. |
order_str | AliPay trade string | TEXT(1024) | C | When using AliPay ORDERSTR, this parameter will contain the trade string. Reference: 2.2 No Alipay transaction number evokes payment (use method 2) link |
Native App Pay API ¶
Content-Type: application/json
"app_id": "6bf9403d0c97bd24",
"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43",
"version": "1.0",
"method": "pay.inapppay",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"payment_method": "WECHATPAY",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"subject": "iPad",
"description": "this is a test transaction",
"notify_url": "https://notify-url",
"refer_url": "https://refer-url",
"attach": "{\"orderId\": \"12345\"}",
"effective_minutes": 15,
"extension_parameters": "{\"sub_app_id\": \"wxd930ea5d5a258f4f\"}"
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"sign": "u897whekrh38h2h8363udg46hh8745hd",
"total": 1,
"psn": "11109748736492756478",
"data": [
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"trans_status": "USERPAYING",
"sdk_params": {
"alipay_request_params": "key1=value1&key2=value2",
"appid": "wxd930ea5d5a258f4f",
"partnerid": "10000100",
"prepayid": "1101000000140415649af9fc314aa427",
"package": "Sign=WXPay",
"noncestr": "random",
"timestamp": "1397527777",
"trade_no": "201xxxxxxxxxxx3221"
Content-Type: application/json
"app_id": "6bf9403d0c97bd24",
"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43",
"version": "1.0",
"method": "pay.inapppay",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"payment_method": "ALIPAY",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"subject": "iPad",
"description": "this is a test transaction",
"notify_url": "https://notify-url",
"refer_url": "https://refer-url",
"attach": "{\"orderId\": \"12345\"}",
"effective_minutes": 15
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"sign": "u897whekrh38h2h8363udg46hh8745hd",
"total": 1,
"psn": "11109748736492756478",
"data": [
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"trans_status": "USERPAYING",
"sdk_params": {
"alipay_request_params": "key1=value1&key2=value2",
"appid": "wxd930ea5d5a258f4f",
"partnerid": "10000100",
"prepayid": "1101000000140415649af9fc314aa427",
"package": "Sign=WXPay",
"noncestr": "random",
"timestamp": "1397527777",
"trade_no": "201xxxxxxxxxxx3221"
Native App Pay APIPOST
Merchant system calls this API first to create the Prepay Order. Once the prepay order is created successfully, call the Alipay/WeChat SDK to complete payment.
Request Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Request - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
method | Request Method | TEXT(128) | M | Fixed as: pay.inapppay |
merchant_no | Merchant No. | TEXT(32) | M | Merchant ID. It is generated by SnapPay system. It is used to identify the merchant. |
payment_method | Payment Method | TEXT(16) | M | Currently supports: ALIPAY WECHATPAY |
out_order_no | Merchant Order No. | TEXT(64) | M | The Order No. can be treated as payment serial number, and for each merchant has to be unique. It can’t be duplicated, even the transaction is not success. |
trans_currency | Transaction Currency | TEXT(8) | O | 3 letter code from ISO 4217. such as CAD, USD. The transaction currency has to be the same as the settlement currency. Only CAD and USD are currently supported. If not filled, CAD is used as default. |
trans_amount | Order Amount | AMOUNT | M | Max: 100000000.00 |
subject | Product name | TEXT(128) | M | Example: iPad |
description | Order Description | TEXT(127) | M | Example: Ipad mini 16G white |
notify_url | Notify URL | TEXT(256) | O | This is the notify URL to receive Asynchronous Notification from SnapPay’s Open Service Gateway. |
refer_url | Merchant website URL | TEXT(256) | M | Merchant website URL |
attach | Merchant additional info | TEXT(127,JSON Format) | O | Additional data. This field is used to carry the merchant’s own customized order data and has to follow JSON format. It will be returned in the Query API and the Notification the same way as sent here. |
effective_minutes | Order effective minutes | NUMBER | O | Use to set up the Order expiry time (in min). Payment will fail If it exceeds this number. The order will be closed. Default value: 5. The valid range is: 5min — 60min |
extension_parameters | Extension parameters | TEXT(JSON Format) | O | This is for extended parameters. The new parameters can be stored in this JSON. |
Extension Parameters
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
sub_app_id | App id generated by WeChat Open Platform | TEXT(18) | C | The APPID obtained by WeChat Open Platform, when merchant has applied for the Mobile APP or Mini Program (this APPID needs to send an email to SnapPay for binding). If merchant have multiple APPIDs, the parameter is mandatory, specifying the APPID used by the current transaction request. |
Response Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Response - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
When code=0, data[0] returns the following parameters:
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
out_order_no | Merchant Order No. | TEXT(64) | M | Internal Order No. from the Merchant System. |
merchant_no | Merchant No. | TEXT(32) | M | Merchant ID. It is generated by SnapPay system. It is used to identify the merchant. |
trans_status | Transaction Status | TEXT(32) | M | Transaction Status USERPAYING - Transaction created, waiting to be paid. CLOSE - Transaction Close, including revocation close, close due to non-payment after expiry time, close due to failure. SUCCESS - Transaction completed |
sdk_params | The parameter required to call the Alipay and WeChat SDK | TEXT(JSON Format) | M | The parameter required to call the Alipay and WeChat SDK |
trade_no | Order No | TEXT(128) | M | Prepay Order No |
When payment_method=ALIPAY, sdk_params returns the following JSON parameters:
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
alipay_request_params | Parameter used to call the Alipay SDK | TEXT(256) | M | Parameter used to call the Alipay SDK |
How to call Alipay SDK
Please follow the Alipay official instructions on how to call Alipay SDK.
When payment_method=WECHATPAY, sdk_params returns the following JSON parameters:
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
appid | Sub-merchant AppID | TEXT(32) | M | Merchant App ID applied in WeChat’s Open Platform. |
partnerid | SnapPay Merchant ID | TEXT(32) | M | SnapPay’s merchant ID. |
prepayid | Prepay Order ID | TEXT(32) | M | WeChat PreOrder No. |
package | Extension | TEXT(128) | M | Use the fixed value: Sign=WXPay |
noncestr | Random string | TEXT(32) | M | Random String |
timestamp | Timestamp | TEXT(10) | M | timestamp |
sign | Signature | TEXT(32) | M | Signature created by SnapPay |
How to call WeChat SDK
Please follow the WeChat official instructions on how to call WeChat SDK.
Donwload SnapPay Android Native App Demo
Download SnapPay Native App apk, click here
Download SnapPay Native App source code, click here
Website Pay API ¶
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"app_id": "6bf9403d0c97bd24",
"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43",
"version": "1.0",
"method": "pay.webpay",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"payment_method": "ALIPAY",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"description": "this is a test transaction",
"notify_url": "https://notify-url",
"return_url": "https://return-url",
"attach": "{\"orderId\": \"12345\"}",
"effective_minutes": 15,
"browser_type": "WAP"
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"total": 1,
"psn": "11109748736492756478",
"data": [
"trans_no": "TRANS12345",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"trans_status": "USERPAYING",
"webpay_url": "https://webpay-url"
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"charset": "UTF-8",
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"version": "1.0",
"method": "pay.webpay",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"payment_method": "WECHATPAY",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"description": "this is a test transaction",
"notify_url": "https://notify-url",
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"msg": "success",
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"data": [
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"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
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"version": "1.0",
"method": "pay.webpay",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"payment_method": "UNIONPAY",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"description": "this is a test transaction",
"notify_url": "https://notify-url",
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"effective_minutes": 15,
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"data": [
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"merchant_no": "901800002555",
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"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43",
"version": "1.0",
"method": "pay.webpay",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"payment_method": "CREDITCARD.PAYBYTOKEN",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"description": "this is a test transaction",
"notify_url": "https://notify-url",
"return_url": "https://return-url",
"attach": "{\"orderId\": \"12345\"}",
"effective_minutes": 15,
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"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
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"data": [
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"out_order_no": "12345678",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"trans_status": "USERPAYING",
"webpay_url": "https://webpay-url"
Website Pay APIPOST
This is not for WeChat Pay.
Merchant system first calls this interface to generate the Prepay order, then redirects to the payment URL returned by SnapPay to enter Alipay/WeChat Pay/UnionPay/CreditCard 3rd-party cashier page to complete payment.
Once payment is successful, it will redirect back to the merchant page. If the user opens the website using the mobile browser, it will open Alipay’s mobile WAP cashier page to complete payment.
The mobile browser directly invokes WeChat APP. You need to apply separately. Please contact customer service.
Request Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Request - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
method | Request Method | TEXT(128) | M | Fixed as: pay.webpay |
merchant_no | Merchant No. | TEXT(32) | M | Merchant ID. It is generated by SnapPay system. It is used to identify the merchant. |
payment_method | Payment Method | TEXT(16) | M | Currently supports: ALIPAY WECHATPAY UNIONPAY CREDITCARD.PAYBYTOKEN |
out_order_no | Merchant Order No. | TEXT(64) | M | The Order No. can be treated as payment serial number, and for each merchant has to be unique. It can’t be duplicated, even the transaction is not success. |
trans_currency | Transaction Currency | TEXT(8) | O | 3 letter code from ISO 4217. such as CAD, USD. The transaction currency has to be the same as the settlement currency. Only CAD and USD are currently supported. If not filled, CAD is used as default. |
trans_amount | Order Amount | AMOUNT | M | Max: 100000000.00 |
description | Order Description | TEXT(127) | M | Example: Ipad mini 16G white |
notify_url | Notify URL | TEXT(256) | O | This is the notify URL to receive Asynchronous Notification from SnapPay’s Open Service Gateway. |
return_url | Return URL | TEXT(1024) | O | The merchant return URL after a successful payment. |
attach | Merchant additional info | TEXT(127,JSON Format) | O | Additional data. This field is used to carry the merchant’s own customized order data and has to follow JSON format. It will be returned in the Query API and the Notification the same way as sent here. |
effective_minutes | Order effective minutes | NUMBER | O | Use to set up the Order expiry time (in min). Payment will fail If it exceeds this number. The order will be closed. Default value: 5. The valid range is: 5min — 60min (ALIPAY default is 12 hours) |
extension_parameters | Extension parameters | TEXT(JSON Format) | O | This is for extended parameters. The new parameters can be stored in this JSON. |
browser_type | Browser type | TEXT(8) | O | PC: PC web browser payment (Default) WAP: Mobile web browser payment UNIONPAY/CREDITCARD only supports PC web browser WECHATPAY only supports WAP mobile browser |
Response Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Response - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
When code=0, data[0] returns the following parameters:
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
trans_no | Transaction No. | TEXT(32) | M | SnapPay’s transaction No. |
out_order_no | Merchant Order No. | TEXT(64) | M | Internal Order No. from the Merchant System. |
merchant_no | Merchant No. | TEXT(32) | M | Merchant ID. It is generated by SnapPay system. It is used to identify the merchant. |
trans_status | Transaction Status | TEXT(32) | M | Transaction Status USERPAYING - Transaction created, waiting to be paid. CLOSE - Transaction Close, including revocation close, close due to non-payment after expiry time, close due to failure. SUCCESS - Transaction completed |
webpay_url | The Cashier page payment URL | TEXT(128) | M | The payment URL returned by SnapPay. Merchant website needs to direct to this link to complete payment. |
Mini Program API ¶
Content-Type: application/json
"app_id": "6bf9403d0c97bd24",
"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43",
"version": "1.0",
"method": "pay.minipay",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"payment_method": "WECHATPAY",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"pay_user_account_id": "xxxxxx",
"description": "this is a test transaction",
"notify_url": "https://notify-url",
"attach": "{\"orderId\": \"12345\"}",
"effective_minutes": 15,
"extension_parameters": "{\"sub_app_id\": \"wxd930ea5d5a258f4f\"}"
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"sign": "u897whekrh38h2h8363udg46hh8745hd",
"total": 1,
"psn": "11109748736492756478",
"data": [
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"trans_status": "USERPAYING",
"request_payment": {
"appid": "wxd930ea5d5a258f4f",
"timestamp": "1397527777",
"noncestr": "random",
"package": "prepay_id=wx2017033010242291fcfe0db70013231072",
"signType": "MD5",
"paySign": "xxxxxx"
"trade_no": "TW0xxxxxxx"
Mini Program APIPOST
Merchant system calls this API first to create the Prepay Order. Once the prepay order is created successfully, call WeChat payment API for mini program to complete payment.
Request Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Request - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
method | Request Method | TEXT(128) | M | Fixed as: pay.minipay |
merchant_no | Merchant No. | TEXT(32) | M | Merchant ID. It is generated by SnapPay system. It is used to identify the merchant. |
payment_method | Payment Method | TEXT(16) | M | Currently supports: WECHATPAY |
out_order_no | Merchant Order No. | TEXT(64) | M | The Order No. can be treated as payment serial number, and for each merchant has to be unique. It can’t be duplicated, even the transaction is not success. |
trans_currency | Transaction Currency | TEXT(8) | O | 3 letter code from ISO 4217. such as CAD, USD. The transaction currency has to be the same as the settlement currency. Only CAD and USD are currently supported. If not filled, CAD is used as default. |
trans_amount | Order Amount | AMOUNT | M | Max: 100000000.00 |
pay_user_account_id | User Tag | TEXT(128) | M | It is the only user identification under the current appid. About how to get openid, please refer to here |
description | Order Description | TEXT(127) | M | Example: Ipad mini 16G white |
notify_url | Notify URL | TEXT(256) | O | This is the notify URL to receive Asynchronous Notification from SnapPay’s Open Service Gateway. |
attach | Merchant additional info | TEXT(127,JSON Format) | O | Additional data. This field is used to carry the merchant’s own customized order data and has to follow JSON format. It will be returned in the Query API and the Notification the same way as sent here. |
effective_minutes | Order effective minutes | NUMBER | O | Use to set up the Order expiry time (in min). Payment will fail If it exceeds this number. The order will be closed. Default value: 5. The valid range is: 5min — 60min |
extension_parameters | Extension parameters | TEXT(JSON Format) | O | This is for extended parameters. The new parameters can be stored in this JSON. |
Extension Parameters
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
sub_app_id | App id generated by WeChat Official Accounts Platform | TEXT(18) | C | The APPID obtained by WeChat Official Accounts Platform, when merchant has applied for the Mobile APP or Mini Program (this APPID needs to send an email to SnapPay for binding). If merchant have multiple APPIDs, the parameter is mandatory, specifying the APPID used by the current transaction request. |
Response Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Response - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
When code=0, data[0] returns the following parameters:
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
out_order_no | Merchant Order No. | TEXT(64) | M | Internal Order No. from the Merchant System. |
merchant_no | Merchant No. | TEXT(32) | M | Merchant ID. It is generated by SnapPay system. It is used to identify the merchant. |
trans_status | Transaction Status | TEXT(32) | M | Transaction Status USERPAYING - Transaction created, waiting to be paid. CLOSE - Transaction Close, including revocation close, close due to non-payment after expiry time, close due to failure. SUCCESS - Transaction completed |
request_payment | The parameter required to call WeChat | TEXT(JSON Format) | M | The parameter required to call the WeChat payment API, don’t change. |
trade_no | Order No | TEXT(128) | M | Prepay Order No |
request_payment returns the following JSON parameters:
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
appid | Sub-merchant AppID | TEXT(32) | M | Merchant mini program AppID applied in WeChat’s Open Platform. |
timestamp | Timestamp | TEXT(10) | M | timestamp |
noncestr | Random string | TEXT(32) | M | Random String |
package | Extension | TEXT(128) | M | Use value: prepay_id=* |
signType | Sign Type | TEXT(32) | M | MD5 |
paySign | Pay Sign | TEXT(32) | M | Generate and return by SnapPay |
How to call WeChat payment API Please follow the WeChat official instructions on how to call WeChat payment API. click here
Donwload SnapPay Mini program demo souce code click here
One-For-All API ¶
Content-Type: application/json
"app_id": "6bf9403d0c97bd24",
"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43",
"version": "1.0",
"method": "pay.oneforall",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"description": "this is a test transaction",
"notify_url": "https://notify-url",
"return_url": "https://return-url",
"attach": "{\"orderId\": \"12345\"}",
"effective_minutes": 15,
"extension_parameters": "{\"background_colour\": \"0061FF\",\"logo_path\": \"\"}"
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"sign": "u897whekrh38h2h8363udg46hh8745hd",
"total": 1,
"psn": "11109748736492756478",
"data": [
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"redirect_url": "https://redirect_url"
Merchant system first calls this interface to generate the Prepay order, then redirects to the payment URL returned by SnapPay.
For PC browser, the payment QR code will be displayed, and customer can use WeChat, Alipay or UnionPay APP to scan the code to complete the payment. If customer uses a mobile phone to open the payment page, it will automatically call WeChat Pay or Alipay to complete the payment according to customer’s APP.
Once payment is successful, it will redirect back to the merchant page.
Request Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Request - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
method | Request Method | TEXT(128) | M | Fixed as: pay.oneforall |
merchant_no | Merchant No. | TEXT(32) | M | Merchant ID. It is generated by SnapPay system. It is used to identify the merchant. |
out_order_no | Merchant Order No. | TEXT(64) | M | The Order No. can be treated as payment serial number, and for each merchant has to be unique. It can’t be duplicated, even the transaction is not success. |
trans_currency | Transaction Currency | TEXT(8) | O | 3 letter code from ISO 4217. such as CAD, USD. The transaction currency has to be the same as the settlement currency. Only CAD and USD are currently supported. If not filled, CAD is used as default. |
trans_amount | Order Amount | AMOUNT | M | Max: 100000000.00 |
description | Order Description | TEXT(127) | M | Example: Ipad mini 16G white |
notify_url | Notify URL | TEXT(256) | O | This is the notify URL to receive Asynchronous Notification from SnapPay’s Open Service Gateway. |
return_url | Return URL | TEXT(1024) | O | The merchant return URL after a successful payment. |
attach | Merchant additional info | TEXT(127,JSON Format) | O | Additional data. This field is used to carry the merchant’s own customized order data and has to follow JSON format. It will be returned in the Query API and the Notification the same way as sent here. |
effective_minutes | Order effective minutes | NUMBER | O | Use to set up the Order expiry time (in min). Payment will fail If it exceeds this number. The order will be closed. Default value: 5. The valid range is: 5min — 60min (ALIPAY default is 12 hours) |
extension_parameters | Extension parameters | TEXT(JSON Format) | O | This is for extended parameters. The new parameters can be stored in this JSON. |
Extension Parameters
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
background_colour | background color | TEXT(6) | O | Merchants can customize the background color in the payment page. HTML Hex color codes. Example: “background_colour”:“0061FF” |
logo_path | logo path | TEXT(512) | O | Merchants can customize the logo image in the payment page. Link address of the picture. Example: “logo_path”:"" |
Response Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Response - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
When code=0, data[0] returns the following parameters:
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
out_order_no | Merchant Order No. | TEXT(64) | M | Internal Order No. from the Merchant System. |
merchant_no | Merchant No. | TEXT(32) | M | Merchant ID. It is generated by SnapPay system. It is used to identify the merchant. |
redirect_url | The Cashier page payment URL | TEXT(128) | M | The payment URL returned by SnapPay. Merchant website needs to direct to this link to complete payment. |
Order APIs ¶
Query Order API ¶
Content-Type: application/json
"app_id": "6bf9403d0c97bd24",
"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43",
"version": "1.0",
"method": "pay.orderquery",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"out_order_no": "12345678"
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"sign": "u897whekrh38h2h8363udg46hh8745hd",
"total": 1,
"psn": "11109748736492756478",
"data": [
"trans_no": "TRANS12345",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"trans_status": "SUCCESS",
"payment_method": "ALIPAY",
"pay_user_account_id": "2088101106499364",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"exchange_rate": 5.21,
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"customer_paid_amount": 524.09,
"discount_bmopc": 0.1,
"discount_bpc": 0.1,
"trans_end_time": "2018-08-02 15:16:55",
"pay_operation_method": 4,
"attach": "{\"orderId\": \"12345\",\"cardType\":\"Visa\",\"expiryMonth\":11,\"lastDigits\":\"2345\",\"billingAddress\":{\"zip\":\"m3w4b2\",\"country\":\"CA\",\"state\":\"ON\"},\"expiryYear\":2023}"
Content-Type: application/json
"app_id": "6bf9403d0c97bd24",
"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43",
"version": "1.0",
"method": "pay.orderquery",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"trans_no": "TRANS12345"
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"sign": "u897whekrh38h2h8363udg46hh8745hd",
"total": 1,
"psn": "11109748736492756478",
"data": [
"trans_no": "TRANS12345",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"trans_status": "SUCCESS",
"payment_method": "ALIPAY",
"pay_user_account_id": "2088101106499364",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"exchange_rate": 5.21,
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"customer_paid_amount": 524.09,
"discount_bmopc": 0.1,
"discount_bpc": 0.1,
"trans_end_time": "2018-08-02 15:16:55",
"pay_operation_method": 4,
"attach": "{\"orderId\": \"12345\",\"cardType\":\"Visa\",\"expiryMonth\":11,\"lastDigits\":\"2345\",\"billingAddress\":{\"zip\":\"m3w4b2\",\"country\":\"CA\",\"state\":\"ON\"},\"expiryYear\":2023}"
Query Order APIPOST
This interface allows inquiry of all payment orders (pay, revoke, refund). Merchants can query the order status proactively using this API to determine the next business flow.
The following are situations when to use the Query Order API:
The Merchant doesn’t receive any payment result notification due to an exception in the Vendor’s backend, network, or server.
A system error or unknown transaction status is returned after calling the payment APIs.
USERPAYING status is returned after calling the Transaction QR Code API.
To confirm payment status before calling the Revoke Order API.
Request Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Request - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
method | Request Method | TEXT(128) | M | Fixed as: pay.orderquery |
merchant_no | Merchant No. | TEXT(32) | M | Merchant ID. It is generated by SnapPay system. It is used to identify the merchant. |
out_order_no | Merchant Order No. | TEXT(64) | C | Internal Order No. from the Merchant System. Either out_order_no or trans_no needs to be provided. Use vaule of out_refund_no for refund query. |
trans_no | Transaction No. | TEXT(32) | C | Transaction No. created by SnapPay gateway. Either out_order_no or trans_no needs to be provided. |
extension_parameters | Extension parameters | TEXT(JSON Format) | O | For extended parameters defined in the future. The new parameters can be stored in this JSON. |
Response Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Response - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
When code=0, data[0] returns the following parameters:
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
trans_no | Transaction No. | TEXT(32) | M | SnapPay’s transaction No. |
out_order_no | Merchant Order No. | TEXT(64) | M | Internal Order No. from the Merchant System. |
merchant_no | Merchant No. | TEXT(32) | M | Merchant ID. It is generated by SnapPay system. It is used to identify the merchant. |
trans_status | Transaction Status | TEXT(32) | M | Transaction Status USERPAYING - Transaction created, waiting to be paid. CLOSE - Transaction Closed, including 1 - Revoke Close, 2 - Close due to non-payment after expiry, 3 - Close due to transaction failure REFUNDING - Status used for refunding transaction. SUCCESS - Transaction completed |
When trans_status is SUCCESS,data[0] returns the following parameters:
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
payment_method | Payment method | TEXT(16) | M | Currently supports: ALIPAY WECHATPAY UNIONPAY |
pay_user_account_id | User account ID | TEXT(32) | M | User ID returned by Alipay, looks like 2088101117955611 Unique user ID from WeChat per Merchant appID, looks like: wx37150978513678 Account number returned for card transctions looks like 6226****1982 |
pay_user_account_name | User account name | TEXT(32) | O | 159****5620 or Note: Alipay will return the account name, WeChat will return NULL |
trans_currency | Transaction currency | TEXT(32) | O | 3 letter code from ISO 4217. such as CAD, USD |
exchange_rate | Exchange rate | TEXT(16) | O | Exchange rate between the transaction currency to RMB. |
trans_amount | Transaction amount | AMOUNT | M | Transaction amount |
c_trans_fee | Customer pays transaction fee | AMOUNT | O | Transaction fee the customer needs to pay |
customer_paid_amount | Total customer paid | AMOUNT | M | The actual amount being deducted from the user’s account. |
discount_bmopc | Discount offered by the merchant via payment channels | AMOUNT | O | This is the discounted amount offered by merchant through the promotion events (payment deduction, coupon, discount, single product discount etc) via the payment channels (WeChat, Alipay) |
discount_bpc | Discount offered by the payment channels | AMOUNT | O | This is the discounted amount offered by Payment Channels through promotion events: such as Red envelope, random discount etc. |
trans_end_time | Transaction completion time | DATE | M | Transaction success or fail time. |
pay_operation_method | Payment operation method | NUMBER | M | 4: Transaction QR Code Payment 5: Barcode (Scanning) Payment 6: H5 Payment 8: APP Payment 9: PC Web Payment |
attach | Merchant additional info | TEXT(127,JSON Format) | O | Additional data. This field is used to carry the merchant’s own customized order data and has to follow JSON format. It will be returned in the Query API and the Notification the same way as sent here. If it’s credit card transaction, there are more info in attach field: cardType, expiryMonth, expiryYear, lastDigits and billingAddress. |
Asynchronous Notification ¶
Content-Type: application/json
"app_id": "6bf9403d0c97bd24",
"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43",
"version": "1.0",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"trans_no": "TRANS12345",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"trans_status": "SUCCESS",
"payment_method": "WECHATPAY",
"pay_user_account_id": "wx37150978513678",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"exchange_rate": 5.21,
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"c_trans_fee": 0.5,
"customer_paid_amount": 524.09,
"discount_bmopc": 0.1,
"discount_bpc": 0.1,
"trans_end_time": "2018-08-02 15:16:55",
"attach": "{\"orderId\": \"12345\"}"
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "0"
Content-Type: application/json
"app_id": "6bf9403d0c97bd24",
"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43",
"version": "1.0",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"trans_no": "TRANS12345",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"trans_status": "SUCCESS",
"payment_method": "ALIPAY",
"pay_user_account_id": "2088101106499364",
"pay_user_account_name": "159****5620",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"exchange_rate": 5.21,
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"c_trans_fee": 0.5,
"customer_paid_amount": 524.09,
"discount_bmopc": 0.1,
"discount_bpc": 0.1,
"trans_end_time": "2018-08-02 15:16:55",
"attach": "{\"orderId\": \"12345\"}"
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "0"
Content-Type: application/json
"app_id": "6bf9403d0c97bd24",
"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "f9bf9fd421af385646ece45e1471db1a",
"version": "1.0",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"trans_no": "TRANS12345",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"trans_status": "SUCCESS",
"payment_method": "CREDITCARD.PAYBYTOKEN",
"trans_currency": "CAD",
"trans_amount": 100.5,
"c_trans_fee": 0,
"customer_paid_amount": 100.5,
"discount_bmopc": 0.1,
"discount_bpc": 0.1,
"trans_end_time": "2018-08-02 15:16:55",
"attach": "{\"orderId\": \"12345\",\"cardType\":\"Visa\",\"expiryMonth\":11,\"lastDigits\":\"2345\",\"billingAddress\":{\"zip\":\"m3w4b2\",\"country\":\"CA\",\"state\":\"ON\"},\"expiryYear\":2023}"
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "0"
Asynchronous NotificationPOST
After completing a payment, SnapPay’s Open Service Gateway will send the relevant payment result and user information to the Vendor. When this happens, the vendor’s backend will need to receive the result and return a reply to the WeChat payment system.
When interacting with this API, if SnapPay’s Open Service Gateway doesn’t receive a response from the Vendor backend including success, SnapPay will consider it as an unreceived notification and initiate further payment result notifications at a regular interval to ensure successful receipt. SnapPay backend cannot ensure successful receipt of payment notifications in every case.
Notification frequency: 15/15/30/180/1800/1800/1800/1800/3600s
Note: As payment result notifications maybe sent from SnapPay to the vendor’s backend multiple times, a single payment result might be notified to the vendor multiple times. For this reason, the vendor’s system must be able to handle duplicate notifications properly.
The best practices for dealing with such case: when a notification is received and processed, the enclosed payment data should be checked first to confirm whether the payment result has previously been processed or not. If so, return the processed result; if not, proceed with processing the result first before returning. Before checking the payment data, a transaction lock shall be used for concurrency to prevent data corruption caused by transaction race conditions.
Note: To avoid receiving fake notifications, merchants must verify the signature of the notification and check whether the order amount in the notification is the same with the one in the merchant’s system.
This URL maybe configured via notify_url, a parameter submitted via the “Pay API”. If vendors can’t open this URL, they will not be able to receive any notifications sent from SnapPay gateway.
Request Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Request - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
merchant_no | Merchant No. | TEXT(32) | M | Merchant ID. It is generated by SnapPay system. It is used to identify the merchant. |
trans_no | Transaction No. | TEXT(32) | M | Transaction No. created by SnapPay gateway. |
out_order_no | Merchant Order No. | TEXT(64) | M | Internal Order No. from the Merchant System. |
trans_status | Transaction Status | TEXT(32) | M | SUCCESS |
payment_method | Payment method | TEXT(16) | M | Currently supports: ALIPAY WECHATPAY UNIONPAY_QR UNIONPAY SNAPLII CREDITCARD.PAYBYTOKEN |
pay_user_account_id | User account ID | TEXT(32) | M | User ID returned by Alipay, looks like 2088101117955611 Unique user ID from WeChat per Merchant appID, looks like: wx37150978513678 Account number returned for card transctions looks like 6226****1982 |
pay_user_account_name | User account name | TEXT(32) | O | 159****5620 or Note: Alipay will return the account name, WeChat will return NULL |
trans_currency | Transaction currency | TEXT(32) | O | 3 letter code from ISO 4217. such as CAD, USD |
exchange_rate | Exchange rate | TEXT(16) | O | Exchange rate between the transaction currency to RMB. |
trans_amount | Transaction amount | AMOUNT | M | Transaction amount |
c_trans_fee | Customer pays transaction fee | AMOUNT | O | Transaction fee the customer needs to pay |
customer_paid_amount | Total customer paid | AMOUNT | M | The actual amount being deducted from the user’s account. |
discount_bmopc | Discount offered by the merchant via payment channels | AMOUNT | O | This is the discounted amount offered by merchant through the promotion events (payment deduction, coupon, discount, single product discount etc) via the payment channels (WeChat, Alipay) |
discount_bpc | Discount offered by the payment channels | AMOUNT | O | This is the discounted amount offered by Payment Channels through promotion events: such as Red envelope, random discount etc. |
trans_end_time | Transaction completion time | DATE | M | Transaction success or fail time. |
attach | Merchant additional info. | TEXT(127,JSON Format) | O | Additional data. This field is used to carry the merchant’s own customized order data and has to follow JSON format. It will be returned in the Query API and the Notification the same way as sent here. If it’s credit card transaction, there are more info in attach field: cardType, expiryMonth, expiryYear, lastDigits and billingAddress. |
Response Parameters
The parameters sent by the vendor to the SnapPay gateway:
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
code | status code | TEXT(32) | M | Fixed: 0 |
Revoke Order API ¶
Content-Type: application/json
"app_id": "6bf9403d0c97bd24",
"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43",
"version": "1.0",
"method": "pay.ordercancel",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"out_order_no": "12345678"
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"sign": "u897whekrh38h2h8363udg46hh8745hd",
"total": 1,
"psn": "11109748736492756478",
"data": [
"trans_no": "TRANS12345",
"out_order_no": "12345678"
Revoke Order APIPOST
When a payment transaction isn’t successfully returned or the payment system times out, this API is called to cancel the transaction. After revoking, the successful order will be refunded, while the failed order will be closed.
Note: This API can be called for the current day transactions only, while the “Submit Refund API” should be used for transactions paid successfully. After a transaction is submitted, “Query Order API” needs to be called. When there is no clear query result, “Revoke Order API” needs to be called. Please note that the Revoke Order API should be called at least 15s later after the order is created.
Request Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Request - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
method | Request Method | TEXT(128) | M | Fixed as: pay.ordercancel |
merchant_no | Merchant No. | TEXT(32) | M | Merchant ID. It is generated by SnapPay system. It is used to identify the merchant. |
out_order_no | Merchant Order No. | TEXT(64) | M | Original Order No. from the Merchant System. |
extension_parameters | Extension parameters | TEXT(JSON Format) | O | This is for extended parameters. The new parameters can be stored in this JSON. |
Response Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Response - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
When code=0, data[0] returns the following parameters:
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
trans_no | Transaction No. | TEXT(32) | M | SnapPay’s transaction No. |
out_order_no | Merchant Order No. | TEXT(64) | M | Original Order No. from the Merchant System. |
Refund API ¶
Content-Type: application/json
"app_id": "6bf9403d0c97bd24",
"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43",
"version": "1.0",
"method": "pay.orderrefund",
"merchant_no": "901800002555",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"out_refund_no": "87654321",
"refund_amount": 50,
"refund_desc": "defect product"
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"sign": "u897whekrh38h2h8363udg46hh8745hd",
"total": 1,
"psn": "11109748736492756478",
"data": [
"trans_no": "TRANS12345",
"out_order_no": "12345678",
"out_refund_no": "87654321",
"trans_status": "SUCCESS",
"refund_trans_no": "TRANS67890",
"refund_trans_end_time": "2018-08-02 15:18:25"
For a period after a payment transaction has been completed and a refund is required by either the Payer or Vendor, the vendor can refund the Payer via this API. After the WeChat payment system receives and verifies the refund request successfully, the Payer will be refunded with the request refund amount according to the refund rules.
1. For any transaction completed more than 3 months prior, a refund is not supported.
2. A refund for a transaction can be processed in the form of multiple partial refunds. In this case, the original order number is required and multiple refund numbers must be set. The total amount cannot exceed the original payment amount. If the refund request is failed, please use the same out_refund_no for retrying. Don’t update the refund order No.
3. The total number of partial refunds should be less than or equal to 10.
Request Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Request - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
method | Request Method | TEXT(128) | M | Fixed as: pay.orderrefund |
merchant_no | Merchant No. | TEXT(32) | M | Merchant ID. It is generated by SnapPay system. It is used to identify the merchant. |
out_order_no | Merchant Order No. | TEXT(64) | M | Original Order No. from the Merchant System. |
out_refund_no | Merchant Refund No. | TEXT(64) | M | The Refund transaction No. in the Merchant’s system. It has to be unique for each merchant. For multiple refund requests with the same refund No., only one refund can be processed. |
refund_amount | Refund amount | AMOUNT | M | Refund amount for this refund request |
refund_desc | Refund reason | TEXT(64) | O | Eg. Sold out. |
extension_parameters | Extension parameters | TEXT(JSON Format) | O | This is for extended parameters. The new parameters can be stored in this JSON. |
Response Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Response - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
When code=0, data[0] returns the following parameters:
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
trans_no | Transaction No. | TEXT(32) | M | SnapPay’s transaction No. |
out_order_no | Merchant Order No. | TEXT(64) | M | Original Order No. from the Merchant System. |
out_refund_no | Merchant refund No. | TEXT(64) | M | The Refund transaction No. in the Merchant’s system. |
trans_status | Transaction Status | TEXT(8) | M | Transaction status REFUNDING - transaction created, waiting for refund CLOSE - transaction closed, refund failed. SUCCESS - Refund success |
When trans_status is SUCCESS,data[0] returns the following parameters:
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
refund_trans_no | Refund No. | TEXT(32) | M | The refund transaction No. given by SnapPay’s Open Service Gateway |
refund_trans_end_time | Refund completed time | DATE | M |
Query Exchange Rate ¶
Content-Type: application/json
"app_id": "6bf9403d0c97bd24",
"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43",
"version": "1.0",
"method": "pay.exchangerate",
"basic_currency_unit": "CAD",
"payment_method": "WECHATPAY"
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"sign": "u897whekrh38h2h8363udg46hh8745hd",
"total": 1,
"psn": "11109748736492756478",
"data": [
"exchange_rate": "5.21"
Content-Type: application/json
"app_id": "6bf9403d0c97bd24",
"format": "JSON",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"sign": "7e2083699dd510575faa1c72f9e35d43",
"version": "1.0",
"method": "pay.exchangerate",
"basic_currency_unit": "CAD",
"payment_method": "ALIPAY",
"pay_type": "ONLINE"
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"sign": "u897whekrh38h2h8363udg46hh8745hd",
"total": 1,
"psn": "11109748736492756478",
"data": [
"exchange_rate": "5.21"
Query Exchange RatePOST
Query the reference exchange rate from a specified currency to CNY. Currently it supports WeChat Pay, and AliPay Online or Offline mode.
Request Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Request - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
method | Request Method | TEXT(128) | M | Fixed as: pay.exchangerate |
basic_currency_unit | Currency code | TEXT(8) | M | Eg, CAD, USD |
payment_method | Payment Method | TEXT(16) | M | Currently Supports: ALIPAY WECHATPAY |
pay_type | Payment Type | TEXT(16) | O | AliPay only, currently supports: ONLINE OFFLINE ONLINE is used if not specified |
Response Parameters
Common Parameters
Refer to Response - Common Parameters
Service Parameters
When code=0, data[0] returns the following parameters:
KEY | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
exchange_rate | Exchange rate | TEXT | M | Eg, 6.917600 |
Created by SnapPay Inc. on 07 Feb 2024