SnapPay OpenAPI Demo

Mobile H5 Alipay (Customer using Alipay App to open H5 page)

Mobile H5 WeChat (Customer using WeChat App to open H5 page)

Retail/Web E-commerce - Display Merchant Dynamic QR (Retail POS device or PC web browser display QR, customer scan with Alipay or WeChat)

Alipay Web – Sign in with Alipay account (PC web browser redirect to Alipay, scan QR or login with Alipay account)

Barcode Payment (Provides the way to pay for an order by scanning the barcode on customer's phone.)

Query Order

Refund Order

Cancel Order (if waiting pay and timeout, cancel this payment process. if already paid, then refund)

Download Java Demo files

Some note:
1) About notify_url, make sure have public domain or IP; don't add any custom parameters(can't have ? mark in url path).
If still don't get notify callbak, try this tool Simulate Notify, input your merchant_id, sign_key and notify_url for testing.

2)Only Mobile H5 Alipay dosen't support return url. Scan QR on web browser supports, but need merchant implement on their own, please check demo.